Epic essaie de faire valoir qu’ils sont David contre le Goliath d’Apple dans leur affaire judiciaire en cours, défendant le petit gars qui veut une plus grosse part du gâteau de la mégacorporation. Mais de temps en temps, ils font quelque chose pour se saper, ce qu’ils ont fait récemment avec un mouvement qui n’a pas amusé les fans et les observateurs.
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– Bannière: https://twitter.com/Terenard_Goc
– Squelette: https://twitter.com/XenoKagamine
– Outro : https://twitter.com/yuvo666
– Musique intro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXGx3oobkWfnbSCLzrS-NdA
this better have been approved by @AmongUsGame
— Dux (@Code_Dux) August 17, 2021
— Gary Porter (@supergarydeluxe) August 17, 2021
it would've been really, really cool to collab haha.
just sad indie hours rn.
— Victoria Tran
(@TheVTran) August 17, 2021
We didn't patent the Among Us mechanics. I don't think that leads to a healthy game industry. Is it really that hard to put 10% more effort into putting your own spin on it though?
— Puff (@PuffballsUnited) August 17, 2021
When you're as big as Epic, you have a responsibility to not pull shit like this. Epic is literally suing Apple right now for 'hurting the little guy', and they couldn't reach out to Innersloth (7 person team) to talk about how to work together on this? Nah this is a scummy move. https://t.co/KRDvc0e1WX
— Skill Up (@SkillUpYT) August 17, 2021